Council receives information on new subdivision


By Clara Osten,


Information on plans to develop a Vintage Hill 4th Addition in the northeast portion of Wayne was brought to council members during Tuesday's regular City Council meeting.

Shane Baack shared drawings and information on the proposed 27 lot development.

He said that the lots would be 90 foot wide and shared a timeline for beginning construction. In addition, he said that in an attempt to control costs and make the lots affordable, he was requesting the city provide water, sewer, engineering and street lights to the subdivision. He said in return, the city would be collecting revenue in a number of forms from those building houses on the lots.

These lots would follow the same covenants that are currently in place for Vintage Hill Phase I, II and III.

Mayor Cale Giese talked about the benefits of the plan and said "I like the idea of keeping the lots affordable."

Baack said the plan also calls for building several spec unit as the project gets underway and talked about the price range for the homes to be built in the subdivision.

Although no formal action was taken on the resolution that would create the agreement, council members generally approved the idea.

It will be brought back to council at a future meeting.

Council members approved a request from Jamie Ferris Assistant Director of Maintenance at Wayne State College to have a bonfire on Thursday, Oct. 3 for Wayne State's Homecoming celebration.

Details of the event, as well as questions from Wayne Fire Chief Phil Monahan were answered before the request was approved. It will be held east of the Student Center, weather permitting.

A request from Dr. Mark Lenihan, Superintendent of Wayne Community Schools to waive the rental fee for the Freedom Park Shelter House on Monday, Aug. 5 was approved.

The school will be holding a staff Welcome Back Barbecue from 5 to 7 p.m. that day.

A request from Astria Smith to keep and emotional support animal (rabbit) inside city limits was approved. Smith is a Wayne State College student and will be bringing the rabbit with her. She does have to have the rabbit licensed with the city to be able to keep it within city limits.

Also approved was a request from Amy White, Director of Student Activities at Wayne State College to use the former Riley's parking lot during a new student orientation event called "City Stroll - Downtown Wayne America" on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m.

White told council members the plan is to bring the new WSC students to downtown Wayne to acclimate them with the downtown area and show them what Wayne has to offer. She also talked about how organizers plan to connect with businesses that are not located directly on Main Street.

Mayoral appointments included: Andy Haslit, Bob Ensz  and Bob McLean to the Civil Service Commission; Chel Meisenbach, Pat Melena and Breck Giese to the Planning Commission; Marlen Chinn (Police Chief), Cale Giese (Mayor), Jill Brodersen (Council President), Dr. Mark McCorkindale and Colleen Hupke (Executive Director of Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department) to the Board of Health. These are all re-appointments.

Mayor Giese also named five people to the Recreation-Leisure Services Commission, a group that has not been active for a number of years.

Appointees include Brandon Hall, Chele Meisenbach, Amber Schwarte, Brent Pick and Bill Engebretsen.

The Wayne City Council will next meet in regular session on Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 5:30 p.m. in council chambers. A mini  retreat will be held Tuesday, July 30 at 5:30 p.m. at the Wayne Fire Hall.