Laurel runners attend District Camp


Laurel-Concord-Coleridge Cross Country sent 18 runners to Homer recently for the Tri State District Camp, which was a day of fun and learning.

Thanks to the LCC community supporters of the Youth Run camp held in May and the Community Fun Run in June, these runners were able to attend and had a great day of fun and learning.

This was the second annual Tri State distance camp hosted by Homer Cross Country. The day started out with a group run, then  a running game with water, which was a great way to cool off.

The cross country group listened to speakers from the University of Nebraska/Omaha. Cross country coach Cliff Cisar talked about the importance of strength training in running development. Past Husker runner Cody Mroczek talked about the importance of physical and mental wellness in running. Attendees also heard from owner and manager Jim Ewoldt, known as the "shoe guy", from Peak Performance in Sioux City about the importance of being fitted for the right shoe to fit your foot and your gait.

Attendees said "the day was filled with the right mix of fun, games and learning."